AAWE Site Notice
AAWE: Association of American Women in Europe
59 boulevard Exelmans
75016 Paris, France
+33 (0)1 40 70 11 80
Contact Us
Association of American Women in Europe (formerly American Wives of Europeans), association régie par la loi du 1er juillet 1901.
AAWE is a member of FAWCO, an NGO in Special Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council.
Web hosting: Site hosted by the Federation of American Women’s Clubs Overseas (FAWCO), www.fawco.org
Website created by AAWE members, Andrea Lamarsaude, Silvia Sabino and Josh O’Donovan, Office Manager and Publications Coordinator, AAWE.
Code of Conduct:
Founded in 1961, the Association of American Women in Europe (AAWE) is a bicultural community of primarily women in France, also in Europe, and around the world. AAWE is a non-profit volunteer association which offers activities specific to bicultural living for all stages of life, both personally and professionally. We foster an environment that enables our members to create bonds, develop supportive networks and lifelong friendships.
AAWE’s mission is to:
- support its members at all stages of life.
- provide information relevant to their evolving needs, including bilingualism, education, citizenship, voting, and legal rights.
- create bonds, lifelong friendships, and support networks.
- maintain American cultural heritage and promote its transmission to members’ children.
- contribute to the wider community through public events, publications, and community service.
encourage cross-cultural understanding.
For more information about AAWE, please click here.
1. Purpose of this Document
The purpose of this document is to outline the code of conduct expected of all members to foster a positive, encouraging and welcoming environment, in line with our Mission Statement and by-laws.
1.1 These guidelines apply in all AAWE interactions, including, but not limited to:
- AAWE virtual groups (i.e., Facebook, WhatsApp, Zoom)
- Email or texts
- Face to face or phone conversations
1.2 AAWE members shall conduct themselves by:
- Showing consideration, politeness, and respect in speech and actions at all times and in all AAWE venues and activities.
- Refraining from demeaning, discriminatory, or harassing behavior and speech.
- Respecting the efforts of the volunteers who make our events and overall life of the organization possible.
- Respecting member confidentiality, membership rules, and cancellation policies.
- Attempting collaboration before conflict and if needed, seeking mediation as per Section 5.
- Refraining from using the member directory or any information contained therein for any commercial or political purposes.
2. Board and Committee Volunteers
2.1 As a nonprofit volunteer association, AAWE functions principally by way of volunteers (e.g., Board and committee members), who are likewise expected to conduct themselves professionally, and with a collaborative attitude.
2.2 Board members, committee members, and all other volunteers, like all members, pay their dues and are not remunerated for the work they do at AAWE. They volunteer their time for free as their personal and professional schedules permit. AAWE does not pay members for their time or professional services for AAWE events.
2.3 Board members, committee members, and all other volunteers shall communicate with members in a timely manner, generally by way of designated Board alias and committee email address. A list of these email addresses is available in our member directory. Members may send in any questions and requests to volunteers using these email addresses to ensure everyone’s confidentiality and respect volunteer members’ personal or professional lives.
3. Discrimination
AAWE is committed to promoting and implementing measures oriented towards the inclusion of all current and future members, regardless of race/ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status/class, and ability at all times during AAWE meetings, events, and activities.
AAWE will not tolerate discrimination of any kind, including the display of cultural intolerance.
4. Harassment and Bullying
Harassment and bullying are not tolerated within the association. These behaviors may include, but are not limited to, humiliating, belittling, aggressive or intimidating conduct toward other members. We ask all members to be mindful when communicating, sharing or posting on our social media sites.
5. Addressing Grievances
In the event of discriminatory or aggressive behavior by a member, or failure to resolve a dispute among members regarding club-related issues, the problem may be brought to the attention of the President or another appropriate Board member. If additional support is needed, the President can appoint, with the advice of the Executive Committee, an ad hoc committee which will work to resolve the issue, in line with our by-laws, Rules and Regulations and this document. Each case will be handled with utmost discretion.
All correspondence related to these matters will be treated with confidentiality.
Approved by the Board of Directors, June 10th, 2024
AAWE Event Refund Policy:
Effective, January 2024, if AAWE is obliged to cancel a paid event, registration fees will be fully refunded in the original form of payment.
Unless otherwise specified, members who wish to cancel after paying for an event with a waitlist will be issued a credit to their Wild Apricot account, provided that their spot is filled by someone on the AAWE event waitlist, at the time of cancellation.
In all other cases and for any paid event without waitlists, event payments will be final. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your event organizer and Contact AAWE.
Photography, filming, publicity and data consent for members:
When joining AAWE, please indicate whether you give consent for AAWE to store and use images, moving footage, audio, comments and other personal data. This covers consent for use for internal and external communication and storage of the data within these contexts. All data (images, film, comments, personal info), will be stored by AAWE. The data may be shared with third-party organizations for the purpose of creating communication material, e.g. printing company to print our directory or flyers. Your consent: I give consent to AAWE to publish, republish, or otherwise transmit still and moving images, audio and my name for the purposes of: • Publicity and promotional materials, including printed publications such as AAWE’s magazines • Presentation and exhibition materials • Websites, social media channels and digital communications materials, including advertising materials and printed publications • News media and their associated websites, social media channels, print publications, television and radio I understand AAWE will keep my contact information and image in accordance with European data protection laws. I also understand that the still / moving images / audio used for publicity or marketing purposes are public, and therefore could potentially be reproduced, altered, or re-used outside of AAWE’s control. I know I have the right to withdraw consent at any time by emailing aawe@orange.fr but understand that withdrawing consent may not affect the material that has already been used. I am aware that AAWE has a legal agreement with the President and Fellows of the Schlesinger Library on the History of Women in America, Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, Harvard University, establishing this research library as the archival depository for AAWE newsletters/records.
Photo Credits:
1. Eric Hian-Cheong
2. Unsplash
3. US Flags photo on About Us page – Courtesy of Colleen Shaughnessy-Larsson
4. American Center for Art & Culture red door image on Contact page and Eiffel Tower/Statue of Liberty image on About page courtesy of Beth Austin.
French data protection:
Les informations recueillies à partir de notre formulaire d’adhésion font l’objet d’un traitement informatique destiné à AAWE pour gérer votre adhésion. Les destinataires des données sont le secretariat et les bénévoles de l’association AAWE. Conformément à la loi « informatique et libertés » du 6 janvier 1978 modifiée, vous disposez d’un droit d’accès et de rectification aux informations qui vous concernent. Vous pouvez accèder aux informations vous concernant en vous adressant à la présidente de l’association AAWE.
The information collected in our application form is required for your membership. This information is kept electronically and made available to certain volunteers. In accordance with article 39 and the provisions that follow in the amended law of 6 January 1978, you have a right to access and correct your personal information. If you wish to exercise this right, please use the Contact Us page to send your request to the President of AAWE.