We’re excited to meet you!
We’d love for you to get to know and be a part of our community of American women living in Europe.
What’s so special about AAWE? Our members say it best!

I am far from my biological sisters, and my AAWE friends are like my surrogate sisters. You all 'get' me, in a way that I think comes from a shared background. I'm looking forward to working less to participate more! - Mary Ellen

Confinement highlighted to me how AAWE really IS my support network in Paris -- I've never felt closer to others than now with our frequent Zoom meet-ups. -Corinne

It helped make Paris "home", this supportive and nurturing lifeline of amazing, diverse, fun, interesting and fantastic women. I've made strong lifetime friendships through AAWE... it's a warm and open community, within which (together with the US Girl Scouts and the American Library in Paris) my 2 and 3 year old daughters grew into beautifully spirited young women now 18 and 20 - where they were able to enjoy their American heritage, culture and values alongside other Franco American "kids", including understanding their citizenship rights and responsibilities...
- Deyi
- Deyi

I love AAWE for the dynamic and open atmosphere, variety of activities, and shared spirit of sisterhood. -Lorie

AAWE thinks of those things unique to our situation that I don't realize are important--until they are! - Michelle

AAWE is a family: there are aunts and cousins and sisters. And their support and encouragement have been such a boost over the years as I adapted to the French culture, job market, and lifestyle. It's been such a relief to be able to ask questions of other women who have faced similar challenges. In AAWE I've developed great friendships with smart, fun English-speaking women who are also living permanently in France.